Ozlilly's musings...


Thank you Diana! What a wonderful present! You invited me to Wellenspiel


to celebrate my birthday and my “victory” with the LifePlus hHCG diet. We’ve been meeting regularly for years. Usually we go to Merkur in Krems on Saturday mornings about once a month before doing the grocery shopping. Always we have so much to share and are completely on the same wavelength.

Today, on the way home, I realized that I had wanted a photo with you to post to FaceBook. Next best, perhaps post a review? No go. I will not edit my web ID just so that Google can own everything I do! I already use Gmail,  YouTube and Skype and all my personal details come to light when I just want to look something up, or in this case, just write a review of the restaurant I visited! I will not consent to Google dictating who I am and who I say I am. My web presence is Ozlilly, the Australian Lilly in Austria and I see no reason to clarify any further!

Those who know me, do and those who don’t do not need Google to make it even easier to research all my personal information.

Back to the review. It was a wonderful place for a birthday brunch. The weather was lousy, but that has nothing to do with the restaurant or its staff. The location is superb, on the banks of the Danube, just outside of Krems. It was cloudy and rained all the way there and back, but I can imagine it is really enchanting on a sunny day. There is a view to the river, even though we were not by the window. The service was excellent. The food was amazing: Choices of classic Austrian breakfast, Hildegard von Bingen breakfast, Ayur Veda breakfast. I had a popped amaranth dish with apricot yogurt (the Wachau area is famous for its apricots) and fresh fruits, a wholemeal roll and a soft boiled egg. We were served freshly pressed orange juice just after we arrived. The waiter was friendly and even tried out his English skills after hearing that we were obviously not locals.

I would rate this the four out of five stars as very good. Sorry to the guy who ordered mussels and thought they weren’t fresh. I am wary of ordering any seafood in a landlocked country like Austria.

Highly recommend a visit. Bookings required. We booked a month in advance and it was already full when we arrived at nine in the morning.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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