Ozlilly's musings...


Blogging or Facebooking? Or perhaps Twitter today? Or how about YouTube?
An email in my mailbox from Jeremy Gilley, the initiator of Peace Day took me to a link about his project and a YouTube video on Who Will You Make Peace With? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTyrX4h3Kgg&feature=share.

I get lots of mails from peace movements and never have enough time to read them all. Well, actually, perhaps I’m not really interested in really reading them ALL. Hmmm.

Well, I like his catchy title. I think it does boil down to who will you make peace with, how do we contribute one at time. So I posted it to my FaceBook.
Then, while I was on FaceBook, I came across the article on the man who went to the city with a tray of money to give away. It’s a lovely article. It’s the result of one person’s trip to another country which changed his perspective and helped him to help others to take a second look at what they were thinking and doing. http://www.newslichter.de/2013/01/geld-zu-verschenken-2/
Then of course there was also the sound cloud from David Eaton about Peace, Shalom, Saalam aleikum. I just gave it a tick, yes I like that even before it had finished playing even though he had only just uploaded it five minutes before according to FaceBook. Must be a favourite pastime Saturdays, to catch up on FaceBook. Yes, it’s probably a bad time to post anything if you want some attention because everybody’s home on this snowy weekend and checking out FaceBook to see what everyone else is doing. Some people are posting one thing after another. Just like I did a short while ago.
I posted a wedding photo last night with my parents in Oregon with the soundtrack to the song that Victor Royer wrote for us. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50869522/Together%20forever.m4a
Yesterday, I took the day off work and managed to spend some time reflecting and surfing.
I posted a link to the Toastmasters Blog in Austria http://blog.toastmasters.at/category/blog/ and made a reference to the new club in Linz. I wanted to tell my friends in Linz about it and thought well, if I post it on FaceBook, then everybody can see it. Shortly afterwards, I already had a link to the new club in Linz. http://www.blue-danube-speakers.at/2013/02/the-blue-danube-speakers-are-here-by-otto/

And before that, the Vienna Boys Choir movie by Walt Disney. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxpu1UJP15w
How did I get to that anyhow? I already had a copy from Dave Yost and he even gave a film version to the Vienna Boys Choir, as well as converting it to DVD and sending it to me. But when I found it in YouTube, I just had to click on it. Only later did I realise it had the Swedish subtitles which I actually do not need or want. (This Swedish version has now been deleted from YouTube. The current link is just a short six minute excerpt from the end of the movie. Next story – but here I have to hide it in the text so my kids don’t find it. The film finale is taken in the Golden Hall of the Music Association in Vienna, one of the best concert halls in the world! Goldene Saal, Musik Verein. I have watched my sons sing here, usually the dress rehearsal before the often televised actual performance e.g. Christmas in Vienna.) But the other version on YouTube seemed to be Italian or Spanish, so I just posted it to FaceBook with a brief comment. The real story is I was so moved by this film as a child I wanted to see that part again to see if my memory was right. From the very beginning it was already pulling at my heartstrings. The uniforms are already the same as the ones they use now. The Augarten looks like it did when we first went there with our first son for an audition. The countryside is the beautiful Austrian country side I have now fallen in love with. Now I see Peter singing at Dürnstein, just a few kilometres from here. Then the issues of the audition, the musical instruments, the spontaneous outbursts of song, the father’s reluctance to send his boy to the choir. It is all just so familiar. I can’t watch it without constant tears. It is a Disney masterpiece. It captures the Austrian spirit, music, the culture of the Vienna Boys Choir and is all in English. Some of those rooms don’t exist anymore. They have changed the large dormitories into classrooms and built 3 berth bedrooms. Now they are all excited about going to Australia.

Before that I responded to the mail that Josef sent out about the relaunch of his homepage for the Family Forum and also posted on FaceBook: http://www.familienforum.at/

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker often refers to herself as Ozlilly because she was born Down Under, in Oz, Australia. Lilly lives in Austria. Lilly believes she can make a difference by sharing her values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. She excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference! She's still trying to do too much and learning how to navigate modern technological developments. She keenly encourages young and old to keep learning. She is patient, kind and a great person to know.

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