You’re Invited! Join Us for the WFWP 2024 Year-End Celebration.
On Saturday 14 December at two in the afternoon, Vienna time, women from all over the world met for an annual celebration on-line. Led by a young lady in her bright, friendly first time manner, we were encouraged to open our mikes, to sing along, to speak up and then to join break-out rooms to reflect on the past and future.
I was happy to hear that my Korean counterpart in the breakout group felt that connection is what we need more of. From Portugal we heard the need for education. And my take was communication.
We are entering exciting times when our own attitude can make all the difference. It is so uplifting and inspiring to be in a group of women who are all investing to build a better world.
With optimism and determination, regardless of external circumstances, when we focus on what is good, right, true and beautiful, we can multiply those very aspects.