Ozlilly's musings...


Wir können es nicht jedem recht machen und nicht jeder mag uns, unabhängig davon, wie wertvoll wir als Mensch sein mögen und wie viel Gutes wir tun. Tun Sie das Richtige, aus den richtigen Gründen, in der richtigen Weise, aus Ihrer Sichtweise, und lassen Sie den Dingen ihren Lauf.
Thank you Todd. http://blog.balance-tools.de/en/leading-with-heart/

As I use the words of reflection from someone I know and cherish to express myself, allow me to “preach to myself”.

I came “home” to Australia now in the southern winter, using the excuse of the High School Anniversary celebration. It was a flimsy wish for closure or connection or extension, a wish to meet up with old school friends. But they are gone. They are no longer friends. They did not come. But perhaps there is another story.
Our year, the class of ’71, at St.Albans High, had the lowest success rate in the state and probably the lowest the school had ever had, or ever had since. Unfortunately, I was in the majority who failed the external matriculation exam. My excuses at the time:
1. I had such a bad flu that I could not even think,
2. the examiners did not allow me to take my thermos of hot tea and medicine into the examination room,
3. my German teacher died in the middle of the year,
4. and before that he spent all his time taking the class photos for the whole school, so we actually had no German lessons,
5. I failed chemistry because I was not taking physics
6. I could not take physics because it clashed with biology
7. I failed maths one because I did not do maths two.
8. I didn’t get the right advice from my teachers the year before.
9. I was too intelligent and learnt everything in class but never learnt to study
10. I was not encouraged to become the best, I was the girl and second best was good enough, let the boys be successful.
The list could probably go on and on, My self-justifications then were:
1. well I got a second class honour in Biology, despite the missing biology the year before,
2. I only failed chemistry by one mark
3. I only failed German by a couple of marks
4. I only failed Matriculation by five marks but had twenty marks extra in biology
5. I passed the German oral test.
6. I now live in a German speaking country and am taken for a native.
This is already long enough for a blog article and I am practising self examination. I will continue. If it helps anybody, the little bit of embarrassment and self-revelation doesn’t really hurt after all.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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