Ozlilly's musings...


Jobverlust der Mutter wirkt negativ auf das Kind

Schock über Arbeitslosigkeit beeinträchtigt auch schulischen Erfolg


Wow. What a revelation! I am sometimes (often, mostly) amazed at some of the stuff I read in newspapers these days. I actually get very impatient and frustrated reading about scientific studies proving what I have already known for years. Just reinforces my commitment that I must get down and start writing every day!

What should I write about today?

Mother and children
My birthday ten years ago

The time that I lost my job and then realised it was a blessing in disguise?





But that would contradict the spirit of the article I’ve just posted. Well, no not necessarily. You know the saying, the exception proves the rule. The first and only time I ever left a job unexpectedly and because the employer decided it was time to rationalize, not because I decided it was time to move on, my youngest son was in kindergarten. I spent the first months of my unemployed time accompanying him to his last visits to kindergarten. Then I also accompanied him to his first days at school.

Of course it was traumatic for all of us that I was suddenly unemployed as the sole income earner in our family. However, it was then that my husband began to look for work outside the house and decided that we did need a car afterall for him to get there. I had invested in the Austrian network train ticket, the Austria card which provided us with total coverage for the whole family for the whole country for all the children until they reached age 15. But now that I was at home, he would drive to an office which was not easily reachable by train.

So my experience was, it was a blessing in disguise, I could be the mother again, I could be there for my children and share the graduation from kindergarten and the first days at school with my youngest.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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