Ozlilly's musings...


So for our last day in Far North Queensland, I set my alarm to wake us up at eight o’clock. The days up here are less than twelve hours of daylight and it has been hard to get up when it is still dark.

As often, I awoke shortly before the alarm was to go off and said to Josef, “that was it”. We finished off the bread, cheese and milk for breakfast, packed up all our things and Josef took the first load down to the car. I went to hand in the key and pay the bill, just remembering to get our passports and valuables out of the safe before we left.

We stopped at a cliff by the beach and Josef saw the ad for Hang Gliding. After his parachute experience I guess he is quite open for anything! Then as we passed the sugar cane I mentioned that I really wanted a photo by the cane to show that it is in fact much taller than corn.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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