WFWP – Europe just staged the fourth Dignity conference in Dresden.
I’ve just joined together the short clips of film I took with Timi’s camera to make a four minute film – by no means representative, but at least a bit of live action.
Ms Staudinger’s voice is just so beautiful. I’m gladĀ I caught a glimpse of that.
The film actually starts in the Czech Republic where we stopped for lunch on the way to Dresden. The chip card got full a number of times and the battery was flat after a while too, so I could not make continuous documentation. Franz Fronek was also taking photos, which he also gave to Ingrid, so I managed to just accept the fact of the limitations of the situation. I can’t make a perfect report or film and photograph everything – so my contribution is just exactly that – my contribution!
Lots of the participants also took photos. I’d have liked to have collected all the photos and made good documentation, but I won’t have the time to process it anyhow, so – this is it. I uploaded a few of the photos to the Facebook group: Women’s Federation for World Peace Europe. I also noticed that there are now also a few more FaceBook groups of Women’s Federation. Now I’ll see if I can upload this film here.

Mission accomplished. The video is public. Now it’s up to anybody else who has smart suggestions, to do it themselves.