Ozlilly's musings...


Work-life balance, calories in out balance, pride and humility balance.

I am still so hooked on FaceBook (FB) that I want to see what my friends are up to even though I decided I want my news and reports on my blog to share with all those NOT on FB and then by posting the link it is MY story, not FB’s and I can have it all in one place even after FB changes their settings again and I can’t find anything anymore.

Did you get that last sentence?

I said I still go on FB. I said I want to own my own stories. I said I’ll post my news here. Then I’ll post a link on FB. Then even my non FB friends can read my stories!

I just watched the video the invisible woman. I had to reflect on what I want to do in a couple of weeks. We will be celebrating my birthday before my son goes away and it will be before the actual date. Here in Austria there is a huge superstition and people will not even wish you happy birthday in advance, let alone celebrate before the day. But I am not Austrian. When son#5 said, Mum we need to celebrate your birthday before I go, because I can’t miss it, I said, sure, I’m not Austrian. I’m not superstitious. Let’s do it. And even though I didn’t want to celebrate it before my husband, it is my birthday, so why not?

I’m calling it my Pre-birthday celebration. And it is about me. I think of my 21st birthday party where a hundred people came from all of my circles of activities. It was a great event. My mother said it was the equivalent of a wedding feast because they were releasing me to the world. My parents would not be taking responsibility for me from then and the birthday party was their way of marking my coming out. Actually I left home at 17 and then again at 19 when I first travelled to Europe. But then I came home occasionally and I guess it was my parents final rite, setting me free. My father made me a wooden key which everybody signed, signifying I had the key to the world.

Now the next big birthday is coming and I can hardly believe it. I want to invite all those that know me to come and celebrate with me, share with me and have a good time. I do not want any presents. All I want is a brief testimony. Tell me I’m doing all right. Tell the others something good about me. I can think of many incredible people I have met over the years who will not be there on the day. There will be lots of other days and opportunities. But this will be my day and I’d like to share it with you. Please come and bring me a sheet for my book of life. Bring me an A4 page and put your name on it, where we met and a little experience we had together. Add a photo if you can. Let me make an album of it. It will be the beginning of my biography.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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