When I have time. When I retire.
Right now, while I am so busy working and doing lots of stuff which some people do not want me to talk or write about,
I have such an urge to write my journal but I do not feel comfortable publishing it. So of course, once I retire, I’ll be free from all those constraints and I’ll have all the time I want to write, right? Wrong!
Get in the habit today, write your journal.
Who cares what you write? Well actually, you’d be surprised! What’s it like, one year before retirement, moving into a new place, starting a new life, leaving the house in the country to take residence in an apartment in the city?
Well, for one thing, it gives me two hours of extra time each day which I can spend to write my journal. It also means I am not as stressed about getting up by five-thirty in order to leave the house at six-fifty to catch the seven-fifteen train every morning. I can catch the tram in front of the house any time up to eight-fifty and still get to work on time.
What a luxury! Sleeping in. Sometimes even coffee or breakfast together! Sometimes even turning on the pc to check the weather forecast before getting dressed, then quickly checking a few mails and then just a couple of FaceBook posts…
I enjoy reading the book in the tram, even though it is just a twenty minute ride to Praterstern where I change to the underground U1. I used to fall asleep after twenty minutes of reading on the country train anyhow.
Each morning, I go out and hug my trees. Yes, MY TREES. I have adopted the two Linden trees on Laudongasse as my own. Rev Moon says ownership is determined by love. I love those trees. I love my tree in Kirchberg. I couldn’t bear to look back when I left the house on the Monday morning in June, after our farewell barbeque. Then when I missed the train, I sat down on the bench at the station and began to cry. Yes, I was mourning. Even now as I write, the tears stream down my face. Am I too emotional?
Can you love too much?
I love my trees. I greet my trees in the city and ask them to connect to my country tree. Afterall, they have invisible roots which connect to invisible streams and channels and they can talk to each other.
I remember my doctor in Canberra asking me to look at the plants when she took my blood pressure. Even in the city, I can connect to the prime forces of the universe and stabilize my blood pressure.
The first tree is beside the tram shelter. When it rained the other week, the trough around it was full of water. I was glad to think it got what it needed. In fact, the MA something here in Vienna – Magistrats Abteilung, city council I guess, are here in the morning to sweep the streets, empty the garbage and I think, sometimes, water the trees.
The other tree gets the direct sunlight in the morning. When you touch it, as I do, you can feel a distinct temperature difference where the sun shines on it, on just one side. I wonder if it sees the setting sun in the evening?
Flashback a year ago: https://lilly.fam-gundacker.eu/blog/sunset-in-the-country/nggallery/image/2017-06-07_21-01-18385_hdr-cr/

[…] of the club. I wrote Why I nearly cried today and posted a photo with the flowers they gave me. When will I start blogging? Is the post I wrote in July after we moved to Vienna. I used a photo of me and the tree in […]