Ozlilly's musings...


Winter is Advent

Just six more weeks and the days will start to get longer again! Yoohoo! I looked out the window and the ground was wet but it looked like it was not raining. So I’ve been out and got myself that pain medication which seems to be the only thing helping my aching back these days.

This morning when I saw the wet streets I thought that it may have snowed again, but I heard the weather report and apparently we’ve had nine degrees here in Vienna!
I’ve been mulling over the fact that I didn’t write my blog in November. It was my own idea to post regularly. You probably would not have even noticed if I hadn’t pointed it out. That’s the trick of public speaking. Never apologize for your mistakes, they probably didn’t even notice! Don’t draw attention to the deficits.
Ahah. Here we are. It’s the deficit thinking that I’m dealing with and tackling. In one of our Q+A sessions in TIR, I asked the question about dealing with pain. You know if you are responsible for everything that comes to you does that mean that I brought about my own physical problems? I didn’t even know that I was bow-legged, and I knew that I didn’t want to risk my short-term contract with a long sick leave to have an operation. In retrospect, I still do not see alternative actions I could have taken. I postponed the knee replacement surgery until after my final contract expired and I am still working on the recovery process.
At one stage I posted that I’d read that you shouldn’t talk about your health unless it is good. Before that I decided to keep a journal of my recovery progress because maybe it will help “somebody else” in their decision-making process.
Now I’m fairly realistic, aware of my own limitations and struggles and I just want to tell you how I keep optimistic. Now don’t get me wrong. I do call myself an optimist. But I am not always in a great mood and totally enthused about jumping around doing all sorts of things – physically. In fact, my reality the last few months has been excruciating back pain. Bob Proctor would say my paradigm is that the pain is from the correction of my knees. Afterall, I first had this pain a year ago after the second knee replacement. It was gone then for many months and suddenly came back with a vengeance. Bob also says the law of polarity guarantees that there is a polar opposite. So, I translate that to mean that once I get over my negative paradigm and go into a higher frequency, I will be oozing with good health.
Actually I’ve been so busy with various meetings and events and I’ve also been challenged by the software on my computer. The tide turned when I started to pro-actively tackle the issues one by one. Nobody cares about my health or my problems. I just write my blog as a memory exercise for myself. But even that is not true.
I can teach through my example and I love to motivate. I am not afraid of being vulnerable. Well, not really.
We had an unsettling experience a while ago when our front door was broken open and we were robbed. I must admit that left a bad taste in my mouth. I think of being an on-line trainer, of exposing myself, of telling my stories and then this! Yet I really believe that we are safer as we open up to one another. I do know that many people living in the city prefer the anonymity of city life. Country life is supposedly safer because the neighbours take care of each other. Well, when we lived in the country for 20 years, we mostly didn’t have any neighbours.
Now I know why I really have to write more regularly. I haven’t even told you about some of the exciting events I’ve been to lately. Did I tell you about the Martini Goose our son baked for us? Well that was on 31 October, so probably not.
Or the day that I went to the VIC for an in-person Toastmasters meeting? That was just before the 4th lockdown here in Austria, 16 November. I got out our club video camera and filmed the first meeting of the year with the camera. That’s where my software issues exploded. Here’s a recording of my Table Topics response. It only took me a couple of weeks to process the recording.
What about the children’s painting competition? That was last Saturday 27 November.
Or the Advocacy Algorithms course? That finished on 10 November.
You see, I’ve actually been snowed under with various meetings.
Here I go again. The recent speeches I have given for Toastmasters have gained me the feedback that I cover too many topics at once.
I did actually post a few vlogs, Instagram and Facebook photos. Sometimes I only shared with my family. I fully intended to post much more, though much of that was video. Then my video editing program crashed and I felt really stuck. Now I hope I can get going again. Yet that stuff is all old now. So the challenge is to tackle what’s really inspiring.
Yesterday I was in a Middle East Women’s Peace conference. I was proud and inspired as one of the first speakers spoke about the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the important contribution it is making to peace in the region.
Last week I attended a training for trainers, and I recognize it is high time to really get started. It is just so important for me to write these articles. You know why? Because I inspire myself! Yes! Here I was thinking, it’s okay, I’m retired, I’m still recovering from my knee operation, I don’t have to do anything. Yet, one of the first assignments in the TIR course was to know what you want. And do you know what? I only wanted to have one project a week. I mean, I contribute voluntarily to Toastmasters, to Women’s Federation, to Family Forum, to Women in Nuclear, to HPHC, to UPF. I want to process my own family photos, videos and biographical data. Then I also want some paid engagements. Yet, obviously that is not my priority.
So, if you enjoy my blog, you’re welcome.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker often refers to herself as Ozlilly because she was born Down Under, in Oz, Australia. Lilly lives in Austria. Lilly believes she can make a difference by sharing her values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. She excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference! She's still trying to do too much and learning how to navigate modern technological developments. She keenly encourages young and old to keep learning. She is patient, kind and a great person to know.

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