Ozlilly's musings...


Happy New Year 2011!
Greetings from Our Family in Kirchberg

2010 in Review –
We are blessed with health, wealth and happiness. We were altogether as a family over Christmas 2010. Timothy (16) went to a HARP youth workshop in London and returned January 4th 2011. So we are all spiritually united as we leap into the New Year 2011. We celebrated in our own traditional manner with friends of the family. On New Year’s Eve we shared and reflected together.

In January this year I wrote in my diary: As we already know, having a vision and making goals really works.
My employment has thankfully continued. I have had two six month contracts and anticipate a longer one when the current one expires in January. Josef continues his part-time telephone marketing job and focuses on Family Forum

(Familienforum ) activities and leading our small community.
Andreas (17) was challenged with physical injuries for which the local doctor only prescribed some cream and left Andi committing to wanting to study medicine after completing his hotel education. Josef and Lilly had an article published in the OzCon, the newsletter for Australians living in Austria.

In February I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Austrian Women’s  Federation

in Linz 9.2.10. I am still the Vice President of this NGO and despite my reluctance to perform any public duties there due to my work; it seems I will not be excused from this task so easily.

Josef had the inaugural meeting of the Familienforum. Christoph (20) won a notebook which finally arrived in February. It was a great confirmation for him of the effectivity of determination and will.
My brother George came from Australia to visit us with his wife Karin. We visited the Blue Lagoon, a model home village south of Vienna.

In March, Timi went for his next TaeKwonDo belt. Erni L. invited Dieter Broers to Vienna, and presented his view of 2012 ®evolution. Andi went to England for a week and stayed with a family at Folkeston near Dover. He spent a day sightseeing in London and saw the White Cliffs of Dover. He is still class captain and says that the trip helped improve class unity.
Josef went to Germany for a European Leaders meeting. I went to Seebenstein for the Easter workshop, together with Timi and Andi.

Josef and Nathan (13) did a lot of work in the garage and garden. The cupboards we got last year have been built and are in the garage. There are flowers in front and beside the house. This creates a totally different home feeling.
I gave my Toast Master’s initiation talk – the “Icebreaker”.
Andi cooked a meal with his class colleagues and invited us for dinner. Oma and Regina joined us.
Josef and I went to a Life Plus presentation. Christoph went to Rome, with the school by train, while the volcano erupting in Iceland closed nearly all the airports in Europe. He returned on his birthday while Josef and I were in Gföhl teaching a workshop. We then celebrated his birthday at home together with the Silberbauers. Erni came too, after the workshop in Gföhl. Next day we went to Waldviertel to celebrate Oma’s birthday.
Josef also organised a meeting in Pinkafeld in Burgenland. He went to Dusseldorf for a European Family Network conference. Josef decided that we would take each child out to dinner for their birthday. We took Nathan to Tulln in April.

Godwin (21) and Christoph both got their drivers’ licence during 2010 and enjoy the newfound independence when the car is available for trips. Andi took the train to Krems and then drove to Tirol with a school collegue for a job interview in Seefeld. I went to Dresden for a European women’s conference of the Women’s Federation. We had another litter of kittens, this time three black ones.
We had another meeting in Pinkafeld in May and were further encouraged in our work for the family.

I met with former colleagues from EVD after work at IKEA.
Timi and Nathan are investing in TaeKwonDo and both advanced belts to green, green-yellow.
We had a barbeque for my birthday and invited a number of families to come share with us. We also went to the local council private pond and despite the flooding went for a wonderful swim, collected reeds and some had a raft ride.

Nathan was in Sekirn for the month of July. We went to visit him and stayed with the Ibounigs. While there we participated in the interdenominational service at the Luschaalm in Carinthia. We stopped for drinks and saw some Edelweiss and sang some songs up at the Alm. Then we spent a day at Friesach and investigated a middle age castle being built.
Josef and I took Andi out to dinner in Feuersbrunn at Mörwald’s restaurant zur Traube to celebrate his 17th birthday in May.
Andi took the six hour train trip to the tourist region Seefeld in Tyrol to continue his eight weeks internship. He visited a local doctor there about his leg and got the same response as from our local doctor – “nothing wrong”.
Timi attended a HARP workshop in Camberg, Germany. Godwin attended a workshop in Rome. I attended the ODP workshop in Schmitten, in Germany with Rainer Fuchs.

Christoph gave me their desk computer. I now have Office 2007. Nathan is helping me to set everything up. Godwin, Christoph, Timi and Nathan and I went to the Summer HARP Workshop in Seebenstein.

Andi began Imperial Palace duty with Godwin and Timi now that they usually drive to Vienna by car. Josef and I and Godwin went to Pinkafeld for our third event this year. It was again well received, well attended and well-reviewed at the end. Our community seems to be a bridge community, we enjoy coming together, and we value what we have.

I left work shortly after 3:30pm to go to the Vienna Boys Choir
for the dress rehearsal

before Nathan’s tour. Godwin was in the CARP centre until the end of summer when he moved into a flat with his kindergarten friend, Aljoscha, who has returned to Austria after a few years in Nicaragua. Nathan left for Switzerland and toured mainly Germany and also Belgium and Luxembourg.
It was interesting participating in the Toastmasters competition in Györ in Hungary.
We were invited to stage a Family Forum meeting in Graz which was a great success and went from 18:00 to 21:30. The meeting room was full.
I went to Seidengasse for the Emotion Code presentation with Kurt and Bernadette Sattlberger.

Andi had his leg examined by ultrasound due to recurring pain in August, September and October The examinations showed nothing wrong so after two weeks Andi went back to soccer training. The next day during sport in school he was taken by ambulance from school the two minutes’ drive to hospital with a chipped bone on the right foot. He got a plaster cast for one week.
Josef organised the True Family Award in Vienna. We met with Dagmar Neubronner beforehand. There were eighty-eight guests. Presidential candidate gave Rudolf Gehring gave the opening address and praised Josef’s pioneering work for the family.

Godwin, Christoph, Andi and Timi were asked by a friend near Seebenstein to join him in singing songs by the Wise Guys, which they have started. They rehearse after the Palace duty on Sunday mornings.
On Christmas Day, Godwin drove to Vienna with Andi, Timi and Nathan. Nathan is singing the Christmas mass for the last time with the Vienna Boys Choir.
It was a spiritual war getting Timi and Robert on the plane to England next day. Robert needed to get an emergency passport and we were all relieved when they both returned home safely a week later, though Timi had a bad cough and ‘flu.
Josef and I went visiting families during the Christmas holidays.
Andi went to soccer training in the local hall and sprained his ring finger on the right hand. He plays goalie. The next day he went to the hospital and got a splint for dislocated cartilage on his ring finger.
All in all, we survived, we are inspired, we continue to dream, to talk, to plan, to scheme. We want a bigger house. We are grateful for stable though modest income and continue to trust in God and the universe to provide for fulfilling all our dreams.
We wish all family, friends, fans and supporters a happy, healthy, inspiring New Year 2011.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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