Ozlilly's musings...


Fascinating reading about David SC Kim as a UN student in Wales, UK resulting in a missionary to/from Melbourne in 1954-1956 to Korea. http://familyfedihq.org/2017/06/a-man-with-a-mission-part-3/.

So I read with fascination about the providential investments in True Parents (TP) United Nations (UN). I feel consoled and confirmed in my own conviction of mission for TPUN.

I just read a few twitter profiles with invitations to follow. So many worthy causes. I don’t have time to read them all. Yet I feel called to be one of those tweeting. So, now as time goes on, I will also be a voice calling in the wilderness, or tweeting in the media.

Still need to write that report about The Gender meeting at the UN on Wednesday lunchtime. Feeling blessed. Grateful. Just need to make the time to report and blog and tweet, as well as attending all the meetings. Do good and be seen to be doing good. That’s the story.

And next, Sun Jin Nim’s address with this excerpt:

If we become competent professionals without become good men and woman
who care about others, who care about future generations,
who care about the suffering of others, who care about our environment,
then we cannot become the people who can transform our world.


Exactly my sentiments. With the meeting at the Diplomatic Academy on Monday night and the Gender meeting at the UN on Wednesday, I am so aware of the need for mentoring and character leadership.

Oh, and let it be said that I am writing here as a private person. Just as those ORF reporters tweeting on their own behalf and not the ORF. So I do not represent the Unification Church or the VIC Toastmasters Club, or the United Nations or the IAEA or the Women’s Federation for World Peace or the Family Forum. I am just @ozlillygundy.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker often refers to herself as Ozlilly because she was born Down Under, in Oz, Australia. Lilly lives in Austria. Lilly believes she can make a difference by sharing her values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. She excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference! She's still trying to do too much and learning how to navigate modern technological developments. She keenly encourages young and old to keep learning. She is patient, kind and a great person to know.

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