Ozlilly's musings...


Yes, I want to teach and encourage my kids to keep up the learning. I am already (age) and still intent on learning, communicating, experiencing. Technically already at the end of my working life, I look forward to many more productive years and decades of Lifelong learning. Just recording here a link to a source of lots more resources which would be interesting to follow-up “when I have time”. You see, I am indeed totally engrossed in lifelong learning and just read a few interesting articles which I would like to share and refer back to.

Like, take the time to reflect, meditate, read.
Yesterday we went to Altenworth and walked along the Danube. It was shortly before sunset, but I did not take any photos until near the end, the sun had set and there were a few geese a the side of the old lagoon of the Danube. Do you call it a lagoon, or a billabong (Die Altarmschwelle) the old arm of the Danube River? There have been a lot of improvements since the last time I was there. They have built a fish ladder for migrating fish to find their way back upstream. Walking back across the dam, I remembered a photo I took so, so long ago, on that bridge when all our kids were so young and small. Now it was just the two of us. I took a selfie and tried to get one with the geese. Ultimately I think the best shot I got of the geese was the silhouette. My mobile phone does not have such hot zooming quality and Josef did not have his camera with him. After all, we just went out for a walk, to pick up a few steps before the sun set.

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About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker often refers to herself as Ozlilly because she was born Down Under, in Oz, Australia. Lilly lives in Austria. Lilly believes she can make a difference by sharing her values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. She excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference! She's still trying to do too much and learning how to navigate modern technological developments. She keenly encourages young and old to keep learning. She is patient, kind and a great person to know.

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