Ozlilly's musings...


After an eventful week, farewelling two dearest sisters into the spiritual world and attending a funeral on Good Friday, I reflect on whether I can post Happy Easter wishes or not.

Good Friday is the feast of the crucifixion of Jesus which Christians celebrate prior to the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. Attending the SeongHwa on Friday seemed appropriate as a recognition of eternal resurrection in the Spiritual realm. However, as a Unificationist it is still extremely challenging to speak out and proclaim that we are ALL meant to resurrect, raise from the dead and live eternally, but starting right here on earth during our physical lives and continuing into our spiritual home for eternity.
Can I wish Happy Easter?
I am grateful for the three weeks I could spend at a health resort, courtesy of the Austrian Health Care system. Despite my proclamation to the doctor, on my exit examination, that I actually felt no improvement, since I had expectations which were not met and still felt pain in my worn out knees, after hearing of a second sister passing, making that three in three months, I determined that I still have a lot to do here, and it is my turn now to gain a new leash on life.
Can I wish Happy Easter?
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, Easter comes together with Springtime and we literally see the rabbits hopping in the fields, the dandelions flowering, the trees coming out of their winter sleep. Growing up in the Southern Hemisphere I used to get upset at the Easter cards full of spring messages because in Australia, Spring comes in Autumn when the leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees. Easter is not always synonymous with Springtime and new life, as it is in the north.
Can I wish Happy Easter?
On this Easter Sunday morning, I reflect on the time I did a seven day fast in preparation for my marriage blessing in the Unification Church. I chose to fast to coincide my spiritual rebirth and resurrection and break fast to complete my fast on Easter Sunday morning, in anticipation of meeting Jesus, just like Reverend Moon did, in 1935. I remember walking the streets of Elwood where our church centre was located in the early hours of the morning, praying meditating, reflecting and thinking about Jesus and what he came for and where I was and what I was doing. I completed my fast and eventually received the marriage blessing and am still in awe of the significance and magnitude of the message of Jesus and his successor, Reverend Moon. Jesus taught us that God is our Father. Jesus taught us that he came for all humankind. Jesus came to give us eternal life. Reverend Moon reminded me that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again, Christ HAS come again. Jesus taught me that God’s Kingdom will come, on Earth as it is in Heaven. My Catholic Church taught me to pray: I believe in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.
And now I am reflecting on my life, after two dear friends have lost theirs, and feeling grateful for all that I have experienced.
Can I wish Happy Easter?
Yes, it is a happy Easter. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the man who became my husband, introduced to me by Reverend Moon by photograph in 1980, blessed to me in 1982. I am grateful for my five healthy sons, who all travelled the world as famous Vienna Choir Boys, to develop an international consciousness and family awareness beyond nationality. I am grateful to my youngest son who has won the heart of my mother and is accompanying her in her old age, where I am thousands of miles away. I am grateful to be living at a time when we can communicate across borders and time zones with the touch of a button. I am grateful for my husband’s family, his sisters who embrace us and our children as their own. I am grateful for my brothers, taking care of my sons when they visit Australia and for their children who have become not only close cousins, but friends.
Yes, I wish you all a very happy Easter. Yes, life has taken its toll and many of us have seen and done so much. Yet the Easter message is resurrection. Jesus rose from the dead. In Christ, we can all rise from our spiritual deaths and make a new beginning every single day. Today, I make my new beginning. I wish you all health and love and comfort and seek to be the loving sister, wife, mother, friend to all. I pray especially for my dear friends who have gone over to the other side, where we will meet again. I pray for their families and friends and colleagues. May we each do all we can to appreciate all we have while we have it and not wait until it is gone.
Happy Easter. Happy Rebirth. Happy Resurrection.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker is an Australian living in Austria, now in Vienna. With a loving husband and gifted adult children' she excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference!

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Marguerite Dabis
Marguerite Dabis
7 years ago

Very beautiful Lily.
Thank you
Marguerite Dabis
And a very happy Easter to you too.

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