Ozlilly's musings...



If you believe many of the US Soaps on TV then most people order pizza when they are too lazy to cook and that that happens at least once a week or so.

We’ve been in this flat in the city just over two and a half years. Yesterday we ordered pizza for the first time. And Josef went to collect it!. We are still in lockdown but some restaurants are open for take-out orders. So it even feels like a good deed to be ordering when these branches are currently suffering to the extreme due to the Corona pandemic.
I mentioned to Josef a few weeks ago that I would not mind a pizza occasionally, despite my efforts to steer clear of carbohydrates, but especially in the evenings. I was a bit surprised when he came home from shopping with frozen pizzas. I was thinking of fresh baked with lots of extra garlic. So on the feast of the Epiphany when he suggested a pizza I readily agreed. Actually it was after first trying our friendly Chinese restaurant but they did not answer the phone.
I just had to take a photo to document this historic event as we joined the ranks of lazy pensioners ordering pizza.
I was struck again about how different we both are as he mused that they probably have them delivered from a central source, noting the mobile food carriers we see on the streets. I pointed out that these services bring the food to the customer from the restaurant and I’m sure the restaurant made the pizza fresh. We have not once (yet) used one of these mobile delivery services though I see them vying for our custom in back to back adds on prime time television.
Well you see, we really do not watch much television. I was so gratified to confirm that as I had a conversation with one of my sons recently and we commented on the current affairs situation. It is so easy to get carried away with negativity, sensationalism, pessimism when allowing yourself to be exposed to open media. It is so precious to learn how to be selective and to consciously choose what you expose yourself to.
When I occasionally catch some ads or unvetted programmes I am still sometimes shocked, but mostly just glad that I have the option to resist and refrain. I sincerely believe we Unificationists need to provide alternative media, especially value oriented movies and information to save our youth. Of course these days it’s more the oldies who are being trickle fed as the youth tend to choose their media selectively in ways which many of us Baby Boomers may have only dreamed about.
I remember watching the Jetsons cartoons on TV as a child and so much of that fiction is now true.
Television. Such a controversial subject for me. I wish my mother had agreed to the internet connection to her house, then we could skype and zoom and WhatsApp with her. Instead I was just getting upset and criticizing her for believing and watching everything on TV. My kids went through the same procedure when they stayed with her. She constantly invited us to watch something with her. When I called she would tell me about some fascinating programme she was watching. True there is a lot of fascinating stuff around. You can find it in a library. And now in the internet.
I remember my family bought our first black and white television when I was seven years old when I got hepatitis and I had to lie in bed all day. I had to think about that when I came out of hospital after my second knee operation recently. I was grateful for the 7 day replay function that our television service provided. I’m glad that we don’t have Netflix or Prime as I see a great potential to get totally distracted and waste a lot of time. I can do so much of that on my pc.
Now our A1 television provider does not offer the seven day replay on some of my favourite series so I either have to watch at the given time, find something else to watch or resist completely.
Maybe it was 20 or 30 years ago I remember listening to a speaker from Switzerland who said that our challenge in the future will be to filter and select what we want to be exposed to. She talked about the information jungle and how easy it is to become overwhelmed.
I’m so glad that our TV has an automatic turnoff function after a certain time. I don’t even know how long it is or if we can programme it, but I think it’s a great thing. I remember when we were in America in the 1980s so many people had their television sets on all the time for company. Then even when visitors came, they still kept it on. I found it very distracting. Come to think of it, I have an American friend here and she seems to stay up at night to watch the news on CNN and often came late to early meetings.
Isn’t it funny how you end up judging the others, but everything you do is okay? So easy to do. This is called unconscious bias. When I do it, there’s a good reason. When they do it, it’s bad. If you do it, be careful.
You know the one about character? I am strong willed, you are stubborn, he is pigheaded.

Chair lift
Josef collects the lift
Oh, I also wanted to post the photo using our house chair lift. Josef has to walk up to the second floor, ride it down and then I can sit in the chair to go down the stairs. I did it this week when I went for my x-ray check-up. Now I feel like my pain is finally getting better and I’ve managed to reduce my drugs. I’m cycling regularly now too and that seems to be the best thing for the back pain as well.
So this must have been a bit like a real conversation with me as I went all over the place right? Let’s see if I still manage a vlog and whether I share or not. See you on the other side.

About the author 

Lilly Gundacker

Lilly Gundacker often refers to herself as Ozlilly because she was born Down Under, in Oz, Australia. Lilly lives in Austria. Lilly believes she can make a difference by sharing her values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. She excels at Communication, Family, Marriage and is an Organizational expert. As a retired International Civil Servant and dedicated Unificationist she motivates, inspires, engages, and makes a difference! She's still trying to do too much and learning how to navigate modern technological developments. She keenly encourages young and old to keep learning. She is patient, kind and a great person to know.

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